Cheap Talk From The Biden Regime
"We are facing unprecedented attacks upon our Constitutional Rights, all in the name of "safety." Vaccine mandates, travel restrictions, and mask requirements threaten our freedoms at unprecedented levels. Many are wondering what can be done? That's where the American Action Summit comes into play with "End Medical Tyranny."
The Democrats sure talk a lot. They tell everyone that they are the party of compassion, choice and science, yet that could not be further from the truth.
They get away with this, however, because no-one actually calls them on their lies. Sure, you’ll have a few conservative voices point out the contradictions, but the conservative movement as a whole and even the Republican Party are often times terrified to confront the mainstream narrative.
As long as we are fearful of the Left, we lose. To combat this, we’re going to have to take them on and confront their lies, exposing them for all to see. This means that people get off their butts and get in the game.
That was the focus of our American Action Summit last week, where we laid out the roadmap on confronting the lies and propaganda that the Left is spreading like wildfire. To combat this, it’s going to take more than just hopping on Twitter and GETTR and spouting off… it’s going to take action.
We’ve got to reclaim the narrative, especially since we have the truth on our side.
During this episode of After Dark with Rob & Andrew, I explained that the focus of the conservative movement needs to be on organizing and taking action. Here’s the writeup from the show:
Talk is cheap, and we are learning that from the Biden Administration. They have been doing a lot of talk with the liberal media spinning things for them on everything from the COVID19 to blaming Republicans for election fraud.
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Jeff Dornik, CEO of The GateKeepers, returns to “After Dark” to talk about his upcoming “End Medical Tyranny” virtual summit on February 5. The event is part of an ongoing series of informational events designed to educate and inform individuals of their rights and freedoms under the constitution. Dornik said the focus of the first summit is “action… giving you the tools that you need to end the medical tyranny we’re experiencing today.”
According to the America Action Summit website, “We are facing unprecedented attacks upon our Constitutional Rights, all in the name of “safety.” Vaccine mandates, travel restrictions, and mask requirements threaten our freedoms at unprecedented levels. Many are wondering what can be done? That’s where the American Action Summit comes into play with “End Medical Tyranny.” Participating speakers include doctors, pastors, and political candidates like Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Pastor Greg Locke, and Dr. Mark Sherwood.
Jeff Dornik is an author, podcaster, and speaker focusing on both politics and the Christian church. He is the founder and CEO of The GateKeepers, a Christian podcast network, as well as the co-founder and CEO of Freedom First Network, a conservative political podcast network. He’s the host of four podcasts: Freedom One-On-One, Let’s Talk Right Now, Conversations with Jeff, and The GateKeepers Podcast. Through his publishing company, The GateKeepers Publishing, he’s co-authored two books: Social Injustice: Exposing the False Gospel of the Social Justice Movement (featuring authors like Brannon Howse, Mychal Massie, Andy Woods, and more) and Church & State: How the Left Used the Church to Conquer America.
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